
‘Virya’ is a Sanskrit term that refers to Courage. Longterm, committed Yoga practice is not exactly as glamorous as seen in glossy social media posts. 🙃 For sure it can be deliciously dreamy and aesthetically beautiful. But if practiced with intimate awareness, Yoga can also be a confronting psychological science that exposes our neurosis, fears, insecurities and flaws.

As a spiritual practice, rather than a sport, Yoga is designed to awaken us. Sometimes through ecstasy and other times through sobriety. It takes brutal honesty to integrate the deeper aspects of Yoga into our life. and honesty requires Courage. not necessarily external heroism, but inner willpower based on integrity and compassion.

By practicing strong Yoga postures, our quest is to silence the mind, not to perform extravagant shapes. No matter what challenges we go through on our Yoga mat, the outcome is clearer insight, greater acceptance and at least a moment of pure peace. Yoga is not here to flatter us, it is here to help us face our every day life head on, with a content heart and a serene mind.

Our peak posture in our practice this week is Vashistasana. In preparation we will open the legs and the arms and connect to the core. Vashistasana strengthens all the major muscles and joints of the body. Instructions will be given step by step, with variations along the way to suit every body. Alternatives will be offered to anyone requiring a more gentle peak posture. Remember that every day is different, so it’s important that we honour how we feel in each particular moment, while finding our intelligent edge and building our Courage. 

Intermediate Level Iyengar Yoga Group Classes are on Wednesdays @18pm (In Person), Thursdays @8am Portugal time (Online) & Fridays @9:30am (In Person)

(This photo was taken in 2011 during my early Yoga Teaching days in Thailand. It’s been a long, challenging journey home to myself since then.)